Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Traditional Food Industry

Indonesia is a country that is famous for having many kinds of traditional food.
The number of traditional foods in Indonesia reaches millions of types. The many types of traditional food, making Indonesia one of the tourist destination countries.

The travelers who are heading for Indonesia at the moment, are changing their visiting patterns. In the past, travelers came to Indonesia just to enjoy the natural beauty and diversity of animals in Indonesia.

Fried Tofu Bulb - Traditional Food

However, this is in line with the increasing awareness of the Indonesian government to develop the culture of the archipelago in order to become a tourism industry, so the addition of the original destination was only the natural beauty and diversity of various animals, increased with the existence of regional arts culture.

These changes are not long, only about 10 to 15 years, the change in the orientation of the tourism industry to Indonesia experienced a very significant change. Traditional food in all regions of Indonesia from Aceh to Merauke is a new tourist destination for travelers from various countries.

Thousands of travelers every month come to various regions of Indonesia just to hunt for traditional food from various regions. The traditional food industry is currently starting to increase rapidly compared to previous years. Not infrequently we meet, travelers from Europe, Asia, and parts of the United States visiting just to sit back and relax enjoying traditional culinary and special atmosphere in rural Indonesia.

Fried purple sweet potato

This is certainly very good for small-scale industry players living in rural areas in Indonesia. By utilizing technology that is very open and fast at this time, small culinary traditional traders can sell without having to use management that is so complicated.

They just need to maintain the quality and atmosphere that can give a distinctive impression for visitors and travelers who come to their place.

Menambah wawasan, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.


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